Software Update - Improved Audit Trail Documentation

Here’s the latest round-up of feature additions and updates to RFO Central.

Improved Audit Trail

Many of this month’s updates focus on improving the detail and accuracy of the audit trail. They include:

Tag Delete Confirmation Required

User confirmation is now required when a tag is deleted. In addition, an explanation for the delete must be entered. This explanation is maintained in the audit table.

These changes ensure that tags are not accidentally deleted, and a full record of the deletion including the reason is saved for audit trail purposes.

Field Tech Column on Exhibit Screen

A FieldTech column has been added to the Exhibit screen. When a user is completing an electronic checklist via the pop-up window and enters the name of the Field Tech who actually completed the checklist in the field, that name is now displayed on the Exhibit screen.

This allows easier identification of the Field Tech who completed the work, rather than it being automatically credited to the data entry user.

Deletion Report on Tag Screen

A new Deletion Report is now available from the Tag screen, which shows all the tags that have been deleted, the reason and the related meta data.


Other Updates

Comments on Tags

A Comment field has been added to Tags, enabling the entry of free-form comments that can also be made visible on the main Tag screen. 

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